Thursday, 11 March 2010

Outlaw request

As requested by the outlaws... a picture of Pip, the baby in the bump.
Was taken last week and as I am growing faster than my clothes can keep up, I'm actually bigger than this now but it gives you an idea.

While Pip and I slaved away in the lab today chasing run-away spittle bugs (oh, I love my job), the children, Ian and Ash seem to have had the most wonderful day in Cwm Idwal. The kids apparently pretty much bounced, ran and jumped all the way up to the lake, climbed on the boulders on the lakeside, then bounced, ran and jumped all the way down. Ash, of course, was in his most favourite of all places so thoroughly enjoyed himself. A good Daddy day all round.

For the second time this week Sonny didn't manage to make it to bedtime awake and ended up in bed at about 5.30pm. The crazy thing is, when this happened earlier in the week, he didn't get up until after 7am - let's hope the same will be true of tomorrow morning! He's in that awkward stage of not needing his daytime nap every day but not quite being able to make it until bedtime... bit like me actually!

A couple of pics from the last couple of days:

My 'office' - told you I had the best job in the world

Feet up and 'weeeee' - like-a-bikes are just the best things ever

Our village skate park - reckon the kids will really appreciate this when they are bigger, actually, they do now!

And this isn't from the last couple of days, it's from Anya's pre-pedal days but I came across it and she looks so happy I thought I'd put it on...


  1. Outlaws appreciate pic of Pip as well as all the others.Peter very envious of your office reckons he could even cope with spittle bugs! Children look so happy, does Anya prefer her hair free at the moment or can daddy not cope with plaits etc?

  2. Anya accepts that hair is tied back for school but insists on it being free the rest of the time. Ian is actually very good at plaits - gets a lot of practice on the beard!! She actually asked to have her hair cut today - fair play, I only cut it last week (took about 3 inches off) but she still has a hell of a lot of it!!
