Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Lakes with Daddy, Woodfest and garden nakedness...

Some pics from the last few days...
Kids at Howtown

Sonny's new bike, 3rd birthday pressie

The owl flying at Woodfest

And the flying squirrel

Pirate fairy candy-floss girl

The little man himself

Think she's taking the P in this one....

Now they both are..

It rained. The slide filled up with water. The kids made a truck run out of it. Sonny removed all of his clothes, claimed he didn't want to get wet. Quite amusing considering it wasn't at all warm really!

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Garden improvements

Anya and Sonny's insect garden is taking shape, they counted over 17 bees (well, they would have done could either of them count to 17) slurping nectar at once the other day, plus loads of spiders, millipedes and stuff. Got a few more ideas, mainly for insect houses to install over the summer, but it's definitely taking shape!

Considering it was a muddy, conifer infested 'rockery' (well, it had big rocks in it!) piled up against the side of the house (read: damp) when we moved in, it's quite an improvement! And it's only taken 4 years!


What do you do when your Mammy's too pregnant to spend hours bouncing you up and down on the see-saw but neither of you have legs long enough to reach the ground?
Use sticks.... lateral thinking from the kids there...