I have now obviously reached the point in this pregnancy where it is universally obvious that I am a pregnant person. Until 2 days ago no one had asked when I was due or how long I have left and then suddenly 7 people since Wednesday have asked such a question - usually followed by a response that makes me think I must either look like I am about to explode or look so knackered that they really feel that it must be over soon! Well, it's not going to be over soon, I still have 15 weeks to go, and expect I'll get much bigger before then!
I must admit, I feel bigger than I actually am, this was taken last week and I think I have got pointier since then but not grown much...
I felt, certainly with my first pregnancy, that one of the downsides to being pregnant was that I became to a certain extent 'public property'. People touched my bump as I talked to them, even people who I didn't know that well, and gave me all sorts of well-meaning advise with a very serious undertone. You know, the kind of advise that if you don't agree to instantly, was met with a response like 'Well, you'll never get it to feed/eat/sleep/drink/poo/ride a bike/swim the channel blah blah blah unless you do...". I was asked constantly how I was feeling, including questions which were really rather personal and which you wouldn't dream of asking someone who wasn't pregnant - "Have you got piles yet?" being the one I remember well, especially as it was asked in a crowded canteen at work.
The nice thing about it all though was that when people asked how I felt, they really did care and even listened to the answer. It's like you are allowed 5 minutes of fame to report on the most personal of ailments, should you so desire, and people are programmed just to nod and offer sympathy. Thing was, with my first and second pregnancies, I didn't really get any ailments, I just got a bump and more tired. Now this one, that's a different kettle of fish. I've had, to name but a few, morning/noon/afternoon/middle-of-the-night sickness, chronic belching episodes, heartburn, pelvic pain, pins and needles, swollen feet, back ache, blocked sinuses, cystitis, insomnia, the list goes on.... but do people ask how I am? Do I get the chance to have 5 minutes whinge or take it easy, put my feet up? No. Of course not, because I've had 2 children already and should know what I'm doing. I don't even need to see my midwife that often, unless I ask.
I'm not whining, I don't really mind, I think it's rather funny really. I have finally got used to the public intrusiveness of pregnancy just at the point when it is no longer there!